Kevin Fagan House: Years 11–12

Our Senior Boarding House is named after an eminent Old Boy from the 1920s who was a war hero on the Thai-Burma railway. Kevin Fagan was also a famous surgeon and his life exemplified the ‘men for others’ philosophy which we encourage in our Boarders. A spacious and modern facility Kevin Fagan House was built in 2000. In Year 11 Division at the southern end boys share a room while at the northern end Year 12 Division boarders have single rooms. Each room has underfloor heating for the winter months. There are panoramic city views looking out across the College’s First Field.

Motivation, Routine and Study

Each Division houses 80 students and has a large recreation area as well as a number of smaller break out spaces with their own kitchenettes on each floor. There are computer and tutorial rooms as well as a small chapel and parents retreat area. Teaching staff on duty grade students six times a night on their study effort. Tutors are also available each evening to assist with extra help in the major subject areas. Students choose who they share a room with in Year 11 Division and many find that this helps with their study routine and motivation to work.